Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Today was Genna's 6th actually started on Friday when she received a box in the mail from my mom.  We let her open it because, face it, it's hard to argue with a 6 year old (and I knew the box had presents for all of us....thanks mom...)   Genna's first birthday wish came true... a journal of her very own with a lock...and to top it off...Justin Bieber on the front.  She writes or draws in it everyday.  

Yesterday was filled with excitement as we all sat waiting for Grandma Susie and Papa to arrive from Susanville.  They finally arrived and the house was filled with non-stop 3 and 5 year old chatter for the rest of the night.  They entertained the kids while I baked the cake.

Today...birthday day is finally here.  We decorated the cake this morning after arguing who got to help.  I thought it was weird that Genna decorated her own cake, but she won and got to help...and soon lost interest and I finished by myself.

The next big adventure entailed a trip to the mall and Genna getting her ears pierced.  She has been wanting it for a long time and daddy finally agreed.  She watched someone get theirs done a couple of weeks ago and changed her mind.  Today she decided she had the courage to get it done. 

And when she finally sat down...I thought for sure she had a change of heart...scared?

She cringed when they lined up the piercing guns...and...

We have earrings...beautiful solid pink hearts...they are perfect for my angel.  
She didn't cry or scream.  
She is such a big girl.  

The day ended with cake and presents.  She got her last present from Grandma Susie, Papa, Al, Josh and Justine...a 3 story Barbie house (which Ella immediately tried to take possession of).

I still can't believe she is 6...the time flies so fast that it seems to be gone in the blink of an eye.

Happy Birthday Beautiful Miss Genna...I love you.